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Glitter Words

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

How Do I Get Music On My Ipod On A Linux Laptop?

linux laptop
by haxney

I Need to get music on my ipod but i have a linux laptop, will itunes work or is ther another one i could use

You could try running iTunes through Wine, OR you could get software like Yamipod to do it.

It may require setting your iPod up as a flash drive beforehand though.

and toshiba tablet release date

linux laptop
by haxney

toshiba tablet release date get I tried installing it via WINE, but after doing something for a few minutes the program just seemed to … disappear. The only clue is an icon on my desktop named “Fiesta-10.0.0338.exe.downloading”.

I’m running Linux Mint standard release, latest version (Julia) on an HP Pavilion dv7 laptop. I also reinstalled my missing drivers, so those shouldn’t be a problem.

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