If you are bored with the likes of Skype, FaceTime or Google Hangouts or simply want to see what else is out there, here is some fun new video-chat candy to check out. Skype? Dinosaur. Airtime? Flop. FaceTime and Google Hangouts? Bland. As defaults, they are just there with an Apple device or a Google account. Workable, sure, but are they going to blow your mind in terms of functionality? Maybe a few years ago. If you're ready to see the latest in the world of video chat (and even if you aren't), I've got some goodies for you. Here are a few of my favorite video chat applications as of late. I know you were always told not to take things from strangers, but I promise, this candy for your eyes is totally safe. Perch Perch bills itself as an always-on video portal. This is perfect for a remote workforce. Let's say you work from home (sorry, Yahoo workers) and you want to stay in touch with the rest of your design team at company HQ. Simply mount an iPad on the wall in your workspace and mount another near a colleague's desk in the office. Fire up Perch and it's like you're there. Perch auto-detects a person looking at the screen and knows it's time to unmute and let you talk. With multiple connected devices it's easy to switch between different locations. Sqwiggle Sqwiggle is very similar to Perch in that it functions as an always-on video connection that is perfectly suited for the remote workforce. It differs in a few interesting ways, though. First, Sqwiggle lets you break out into teams (group video chats) rather than focusing on one individual portal. Additionally, the entire team can use a feature called stream (a chat box on the side of the screen) to share things like links, code, photos or video. It's a lightweight version of something like Teambox (which just added video chat, too). Rabbit Rabbit has positioned itself for the non-business consumer set. It's geared toward letting you hangout with your friends when you are all here in different places. Like what? You can actually watch videos or listen to music together with your friends online. Want to share your photos with your friends in real time? With Rabbit you can. Glide Nope, I haven't forgotten about your smartphone. Enter Glide, an app that facilitates video texting. This is a really cool concept that lets you send your friends video messages that can either be viewed live or later. Since everything gets saved in the cloud, you don't have to worry about being out of the loop if you are offline for any reason. Glide lets you talk to your fiends either individually or as a group. No need to schedule anything in advance. The autoplay feature lets you relive conversations as they happened. If you need it, texting through Glide is still an option. ooVoo ooVoo tries to do it all. It works on your desktop (Mac and PC), as well as on your mobile. It does group video chat (with up to 12 people) and lets you record all the action for later. ooVoo lets you leave video messages up to five minutes long for those absent. You can share files, chat, share your screen or consume content together. On top of all of that, you can make free voice calls. Note: the PC version is currently much more robust than the Mac version.
Konvensi Internasional untuk Unifikasi Aturan Tertentu Hukum yang berkaitan dengan Bills of Lading ("Hague Aturan"), dan Protokol Signature
(Brussels, 25 Agustus 1924)
Presiden Republik Jerman, Presiden Republik Argentina, Mulia Raja Belgia, Presiden Republik Chile, Presiden Republik Kuba, Mulia Raja Denmark dan Islandia, His Majesty ini Raja Spanyol itu, Kepala Negara Estonia, Presiden Amerika Serikat, Presiden Republik Finlandia, Presiden Republik Perancis, yang Mulia Raja Kerajaan Inggris Britania Raya dan Irlandia dan para Dominion Inggris di luar Seas, Emperor of India, Nya Kebanyakan Agung Mulia Gubernur Kerajaan Hongaria, Mulia Raja Italia, Mulia Kaisar Jepang, Presiden Republik Latvia, Presiden Republik Meksiko, yang Mulia Raja Norwegia, Mulia Ratu Belanda, Presiden Republik dari Peru, Presiden Republik Polandia, yang Presiden Republik Portugis, Mulia Raja Rumania, Mulia Raja dari Serbia, Kroasia dan Slovenia, Mulia Raja Swedia, dan Presiden Republik Uruguay, MEMILIKI DIAKUI utilitas memperbaiki dengan kesepakatan aturan seragam tertentu hukum yang berkaitan dengan bill of lading,MEMUTUSKAN untuk menyimpulkan konvensi dengan objek ini dan telah menunjuk Utusan berikut:
WHO yang telah diberi kuasa, telah menyetujui sebagai berikut:
Pasal 1
Dalam Konvensi ini kata-kata berikut ini digunakan dengan makna yang ditetapkan di bawah ini:
(a) "pembawa" termasuk pemilik atau pihak yang menyewa yang masuk ke dalam kontrak pengangkutan dengan pengirim.
(b) "Kontrak pengangkutan" hanya berlaku untuk kontrak pengangkutan ditutupi oleh bill of lading atau dokumen kepemilikan semacam itu, sejauh dokumen tersebut berkaitan dengan pengangkutan barang melalui laut, termasuk bill of lading atau serupa dokumen sebagaimana disebutkan di atas dikeluarkan di bawah atau sesuai dengan pihak charter dari saat di mana seperti tagihan dokumen lading atau mirip judul mengatur hubungan antara operator dan pemegang yang sama.
(c) "Barang" termasuk barang, barang, barang dagangan dan barang dari setiap jenis apapun kecuali hewan hidup dan kargo yang dengan kontrak pengangkutan di dinyatakan sebagai dibawa di dek dan begitu dilakukan.
(d) "Kapal" berarti setiap kapal yang digunakan untuk pengangkutan barang melalui laut.
(e) "Carriage barang" mencakup periode waktu saat barang dimuat ke waktu mereka dikeluarkan dari kapal.
Pasal 2
Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 6, di bawah setiap kontrak pengangkutan barang melalui laut operator, dalam kaitannya dengan beban, handling, penyimpanan, kereta, tahanan, perawatan dan pembuangan barang-barang tersebut, harus tunduk pada tanggung jawab dan kewajiban, dan berhak atas hak-hak dan kekebalan selanjutnya ditetapkan.
Pasal 3
1. Pengangkut akan terikat sebelum dan pada awal perjalanan untuk melaksanakan due diligence untuk:
(a) Membuat kapal layak berlayar.
(b) Benar manusia, melengkapi dan pasokan kapal.
(c) Membuat memegang, pendingin ruang dan sejuk, dan semua bagian lain dari kapal di mana barang dilakukan, cocok dan aman untuk penerimaan mereka, kereta dan pelestarian.
2. Sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 4, carrier harus dengan benar dan hati-hati memuat, menangani, menyelundup, dibawa, menyimpan, merawat, dan debit barang yang dibawa.
3. Setelah menerima barang dalam tanggung jawabnya carrier atau master atau agen dari carrier akan, atas permintaan pengirim, masalah ke pengirim bill of lading yang menunjukkan antara lain:
(a) Tanda terkemuka yang diperlukan untuk identifikasi barang sebagai sama yang dilengkapi secara tertulis oleh pengirim sebelum pemuatan mulai barang-barang tersebut, asalkan tanda tersebut dicap atau ditunjukkan dengan jelas pada barang jika ditemukan, atau pada kasus atau penutup di mana barang-barang tersebut yang terkandung, sedemikian rupa seperti biasanya harus tetap terbaca sampai akhir perjalanan.
(b) Entah jumlah paket atau potongan, atau kuantitas, atau berat, sebagai kasus mungkin, seperti yang dilengkapi secara tertulis oleh pengirim.
(c) Urutan jelas dan kondisi barang.
Asalkan tidak ada operator, nakhoda atau agen dari carrier akan terikat untuk menyatakan atau menunjukkan dalam bill of lading setiap tanda, angka, kuantitas, atau berat yang ia punya alasan yang masuk akal untuk mencurigai tidak akurat untuk mewakili barang-barang yang diterima, atau yang dia memiliki tidak berarti wajar memeriksa.
4. Seperti bill of lading harus prima facie bukti penerimaan oleh pembawa barang sebagaimana dijelaskan di dalamnya sesuai dengan ayat 3 (a), (b) dan (c).
5. Pengirim akan dianggap telah dijamin pembawa akurasi pada saat pengiriman tanda, angka, kuantitas dan berat, seperti yang diberikan oleh dia, dan pengirim akan ganti rugi pembawa terhadap semua kerugian, kerusakan dan biaya yang timbul atau dihasilkan dari ketidakakuratan dalam keterangan tersebut. Hak operator untuk ganti rugi seperti itu tidak akan membatasi tanggung jawab dan kewajiban di bawah kontrak pengangkutan kepada orang selain pemilik.
6. Kecuali pemberitahuan kerugian atau kerusakan dan sifat umum dari kerugian atau kerusakan tersebut diberikan secara tertulis kepada carrier atau agennya di pelabuhan debit sebelum atau pada saat pemindahan barang ke dalam tahanan orang berhak untuk pengiriman daripadanya di bawah kontrak pengangkutan, atau, jika kehilangan atau kerusakan yang tidak jelas, dalam waktu tiga hari, penghapusan tersebut harus prima facie bukti pengiriman oleh operator barang seperti yang dijelaskan dalam konosemen.
Jika kerugian atau kerusakan tidak jelas, pemberitahuan harus diberikan dalam waktu tiga hari dari pengiriman barang.
Pemberitahuan secara tertulis tidak perlu diberikan jika keadaan barang memiliki, pada saat penerimaan mereka, menjadi subjek survei bersama atau inspeksi.
Dalam hal apapun pembawa dan kapal dibebaskan dari semua tanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan kecuali tuntutan diajukan dalam waktu satu tahun setelah penyerahan barang atau tanggal pada saat barang seharusnya telah disampaikan.
Dalam kasus kerugian nyata atau ditangkap mengelupas atau merusak pembawa dan penerima harus memberikan semua fasilitas yang wajar untuk saling memeriksa dan menghitung-hitung barang.
7 . Setelah barang yang dimuat bill of lading yang dikeluarkan oleh operator , menguasai, atau agen dari carrier , untuk pengirim harus, jika shipper sehingga tuntutan , menjadi " dikirim " bill of lading , dengan ketentuan bahwa jika pengirim harus sebelumnya telah mengambil dokumen hak atas barang-barang tersebut , ia harus menyerahkan sama terhadap isu " dikirim " bill of lading , tetapi pada pilihan pembawa dokumen seperti judul dapat dicatat di pelabuhan pengiriman dengan carrier , menguasai, atau agen dengan nama atau nama kapal atau kapal atas mana barang telah dikirimkan dan tanggal atau tanggal pengiriman , dan ketika begitu diperhatikan , jika menunjukkan keterangan yang disebutkan dalam ayat 3 Pasal 3 , wajib untuk tujuan Pasal ini dianggap merupakan " dikirim " bill of lading. .
8 . Setiap kalimat , perjanjian , atau kesepakatan dalam kontrak pengangkutan menghilangkan carrier atau kapal dari tanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan , atau dalam hubungan dengan , barang yang timbul dari kelalaian , kesalahan , atau kegagalan dalam tugas kewajiban dan diatur dalam Pasal ini atau mengurangi kewajiban tersebut selain sebagaimana diatur dalam Konvensi ini , harus batal demi hukum dan tidak berlaku . Manfaat asuransi yang mendukung carrier atau klausa yang sama akan dianggap menjadi klausul menghilangkan pembawa dari tanggung jawab.
Pasal 4
1 . Baik pembawa maupun kapal bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan yang timbul akibat atau unseaworthiness kecuali disebabkan oleh kekurangan due diligence pada bagian dari operator untuk membuat kapal layak berlayar dan untuk mengamankan bahwa kapal benar dijaga, dilengkapi dan disediakan , dan untuk membuat memegang , pendingin dan sejuk ruang dan semua bagian lain dari kapal di mana barang dilakukan fit dan aman untuk penerimaan mereka , pengangkutan dan pelestarian sesuai dengan ketentuan ayat 1 Pasal 3 . Setiap kali kerugian atau kerusakan telah dihasilkan dari unseaworthiness beban untuk membuktikan pelaksanaan due diligence harus pada operator atau orang lain yang mengklaim pembebasan berdasarkan Pasal ini .
2. Baik pembawa maupun kapal harus bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan yang timbul akibat atau:
(a) Undang-Undang, kelalaian, atau kesalahan dari master, pelaut, pilot, atau hamba pembawa dalam navigasi atau dalam pengelolaan kapal.
(b) Api, kecuali yang disebabkan oleh kesalahan aktual atau hal ikut serta dari carrier.
(c) Perils, bahaya dan kecelakaan laut atau perairan dilayari lainnya.
(d) Undang-Undang Allah.
(e) UU perang.
(f) UU musuh publik.
(g) Penangkapan atau pembatasan atau pangeran, penguasa atau orang-orang, atau penyitaan dalam proses hukum.
(h) pembatasan karantina.
(i) Undang-Undang atau kelalaian pengirim atau pemilik barang, agennya atau perwakilan.
(j) Pemogokan atau penutupan perusahaan atau penghentian atau pembatasan tenaga kerja karena sebab apapun, baik sebagian atau umum.
(k) Kerusuhan dan huru.
(l) Menyimpan atau mencoba untuk menyelamatkan nyawa atau harta benda di laut.
(m) Pemborosan dalam jumlah besar atau berat badan atau kerugian atau kerusakan yang timbul dari cacat yang melekat, kualitas atau wakil dari barang-barang lainnya.
(n) Kekurangan dari kemasan.
(o) Insufficiency
(p) cacat laten tidak dapat ditemukan dengan due diligence.
(q) Setiap penyebab lain yang timbul tanpa kesalahan aktual atau hal ikut serta pembawa, atau tanpa kesalahan yang sebenarnya atau kelalaian dari agen atau hamba carrier, tapi beban pembuktian harus pada orang yang mengklaim manfaat dari pengecualian ini menunjukkan bahwa baik kesalahan aktual atau hal ikut serta pembawa atau kesalahan atau kelalaian dari pihak agen atau pegawai dari carrier memberikan kontribusi terhadap kerugian atau kerusakan.
3. Pengirim tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan yang diderita oleh carrier atau kapal yang timbul akibat atau sebab apapun tanpa tindakan, kesalahan atau kelalaian dari pihak pengirim, agen-agennya atau hamba-Nya.
4. Setiap penyimpangan dalam menyimpan atau mencoba untuk menyelamatkan nyawa atau harta benda di laut atau penyimpangan yang wajar tidak akan dianggap pelanggaran atau pelanggaran Konvensi ini atau kontrak pengangkutan, dan operator tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan yang diakibatkan darinya.
5. Baik pembawa maupun kapal harus dalam setiap peristiwa menjadi atau menjadi bertanggung jawab atas kerugian atau kerusakan atau dalam hubungan dengan barang-barang dalam jumlah melebihi 100 pound sterling per paket atau unit, atau setara dengan jumlah yang dalam mata uang lain kecuali sifat dan nilai barang tersebut telah dinyatakan oleh pihak pengirim sebelum pengiriman dan dimasukkan dalam bill of lading.
Deklarasi ini jika diwujudkan dalam bill of lading harus menjadi bukti prima facie, tetapi tidak mengikat atau konklusif pada operator.
Dengan kesepakatan antara operator, nakhoda atau agen pembawa dan pengirim jumlah maksimum yang lain dari yang disebutkan dalam ayat ini dapat diperbaiki, asalkan maksimum tersebut tidak boleh kurang dari angka atas bernama.
Baik pembawa maupun kapal harus bertanggung jawab dalam setiap kegiatan untuk kehilangan atau kerusakan, atau dalam hubungan dengan, barang apabila sifat atau nilai daripadanya telah sengaja salah saji oleh shipper dalam bill of lading.
6. Barang yang bersifat mudah terbakar, bahan peledak atau berbahaya untuk pengiriman kadarnya operator, nakhoda atau agen dari carrier tidak mengijinkan dengan pengetahuan alam dan karakter mereka, dapat sewaktu-waktu sebelum dibuang akan mendarat di mana saja, atau dihancurkan atau dibuat tidak berbahaya oleh operator tanpa kompensasi dan pengirim barang tersebut harus bertanggung jawab atas semua kerusakan dan biaya yang secara langsung atau tidak langsung yang timbul dari atau yang dihasilkan dari pengiriman tersebut. Jika ada barang-barang tersebut dikirim dengan pengetahuan dan persetujuan tersebut akan menjadi bahaya bagi kapal atau barang, mereka mungkin dalam cara seperti akan mendarat di mana saja, atau hancur atau dianggap tidak berbahaya oleh operator tanpa kewajiban pada bagian dari operator kecuali untuk umum rata-rata, jika ada.
Pasal 5
Pengangkut akan bebas untuk menyerah secara keseluruhan atau sebagian atau seluruh hak dan kekebalan atau untuk meningkatkan salah satu tanggung jawab dan kewajibannya berdasarkan Konvensi ini, tersedia menyerah tersebut atau kenaikan harus diwujudkan dalam bill of lading dikeluarkan untuk shipper.
Ketentuan Konvensi ini tidak berlaku terhadap pihak charter, tetapi jika bill of lading yang dikeluarkan dalam kasus kapal di bawah partai piagam mereka harus sesuai dengan ketentuan Konvensi ini. Tidak ada dalam aturan ini harus dilakukan untuk mencegah penyisipan dalam bill of lading atas ketentuan hukum mengenai umumnya rata-rata.
Pasal 6
Menyimpang dari ketentuan Pasal-pasal sebelumnya, carrier, atau master agen pembawa dan pengirim harus dalam hal barang tertentu akan bebas untuk masuk ke dalam perjanjian apapun dalam syarat untuk tanggung jawab, dan kewajiban pembawa barang-barang tersebut , dan seperti dengan hak-hak dan kekebalan dari carrier terhadap barang-barang tersebut, atau kewajibannya untuk kelayakan, sejauh ketentuan ini tidak bertentangan dengan kebijaksanaan umum, atau perawatan atau ketekunan hambanya atau agen sehubungan dengan pemuatan, penanganan, penyimpanan, pengangkutan, pemeliharaan, perawatan dan pembuangan barang yang dibawa oleh laut, asalkan bahwa dalam kasus ini tidak ada bill of lading telah atau akan diterbitkan dan bahwa kesepakatan harus diwujudkan dalam tanda terima yang akan menjadi dokumen non-negotiable dan akan ditandai seperti.
Setiap perjanjian sehingga masuk ke akan berlaku hukum penuh.
Asalkan Pasal ini tidak berlaku untuk pengiriman komersial biasa dibuat dalam perdagangan yang biasa, tetapi hanya untuk pengiriman lain di mana karakter atau kondisi properti yang akan dilakukan atau keadaan, syarat dan kondisi di mana kereta yang akan dilakukan adalah seperti cukup untuk membenarkan kesepakatan khusus.
Pasal 7
Tidak ada yang terkandung di sini akan mencegah carrier atau pengirim masuk ke dalam perjanjian ini, ketentuan, kondisi, pemesanan atau pembebasan mengenai tanggung jawab dan kewajiban dari carrier atau kapal untuk kehilangan atau kerusakan, atau dalam hubungan dengan, tahanan dan perawatan dan penanganan barang sebelum pemuatan ke dalam, dan sesudah, debit dari kapal di mana barang yang dibawa oleh laut.
Pasal 8
Ketentuan-ketentuan Konvensi ini tidak akan mempengaruhi hak dan kewajiban dari carrier bawah undang-undang apapun untuk waktu yang berlaku berkaitan dengan pembatasan kewajiban pemilik kapal laut-pergi.
Pasal 9
Unit moneter yang disebutkan dalam Konvensi ini harus diambil menjadi nilai emas.
Mereka kontrak Serikat di mana pound sterling bukanlah cadangan unit moneter sendiri hak menerjemahkan jumlah yang ditunjukkan dalam konvensi ini dalam hal pound sterling ke dalam istilah sistem moneter mereka sendiri dalam bilangan bulat.
Hukum nasional dapat memesan kepada debitur hak pemakaian utang dalam mata uang nasional sesuai dengan kurs yang berlaku pada hari kedatangan kapal di pelabuhan debit barang yang bersangkutan.
Pasal 10
Ketentuan-ketentuan Konvensi ini akan berlaku untuk semua tagihan of lading diterbitkan di salah satu kontraktor Serikat.
Pasal 11
Setelah selang waktu tidak lebih dari dua tahun sejak hari Konvensi ini ditandatangani, Pemerintah Belgia akan menempatkan diri dalam komunikasi dengan Pemerintah Pihak Peserta Agung yang telah menyatakan diri siap untuk meratifikasi Konvensi, dengan maksud untuk memutuskan apakah itu harus diberlakukan. Ratifikasi akan disimpan di Brussels pada tanggal yang akan ditetapkan oleh persetujuan antara Pemerintah kata. Deposit pertama ratifikasi harus dicatat dalam Proces-verbal yang ditandatangani oleh perwakilan dari Powers yang ikut serta di dalamnya dan oleh Menteri Luar Negeri Belgia.
Deposit berikutnya ratifikasi harus dilakukan dengan cara pemberitahuan tertulis yang ditujukan kepada Pemerintah Belgia dan disertai dengan instrumen ratifikasi.
Salinan sepatutnya bersertifikat dari proces-verbal berkaitan dengan deposit pertama ratifikasi, dari pemberitahuan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat sebelumnya, dan juga instrumen ratifikasi yang menyertai mereka, harus segera dikirim oleh Pemerintah Belgia melalui saluran diplomatik untuk Powers yang telah menandatangani Konvensi ini atau yang telah menyetujuinya. Dalam kasus-kasus dimaksud dalam paragraf sebelumnya, Pemerintah mengatakan akan memberitahu mereka sekaligus dari tanggal di mana pihaknya telah menerima pemberitahuan tersebut.
pasal 12
Negara non-penandatangan dapat mengaksesi Konvensi ini apakah atau tidak mereka telah diwakili pada Konferensi Internasional di Brussels.
Suatu Negara yang berkeinginan untuk mengaksesi harus memberitahukan niatnya secara tertulis kepada Pemerintah Belgia, forwarding itu dokumen aksesi, yang akan disimpan dalam arsip Pemerintah kata.
Pemerintah Belgia harus segera meneruskan kepada semua Negara yang telah menandatangani atau mengaksesi Konvensi salinan sepatutnya bersertifikat pemberitahuan dan tindakan aksesi, menyebutkan tanggal yang menerima pemberitahuan.
Pasal 13
Pihak Tinggi mungkin pada saat penandatanganan, ratifikasi atau aksesi menyatakan bahwa penerimaan mereka terhadap Konvensi ini tidak termasuk atau semua kekuasaan pemerintahan sendiri, atau dari koloni, harta di luar negeri, atau wilayah protektorat di bawah kedaulatan mereka atau otoritas, dan mereka kemudian dapat ikut serta secara terpisah atas nama setiap pemerintahan sendiri kekuasaan, koloni, kepemilikan luar negeri, atau wilayah protektorat dikecualikan dalam deklarasi mereka. Mereka juga dapat membatalkan Konvensi secara terpisah sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam sehubungan dengan kekuasaan pemerintahan sendiri, atau koloni apapun, kepemilikan luar negeri, atau wilayah protektorat bawah kedaulatan atau kewenangan mereka.
Pasal 14
Konvensi ini mulai berlaku, dalam kasus Amerika yang telah mengambil bagian dalam deposit pertama ratifikasi, satu tahun setelah tanggal pencatatan protokol simpanan tersebut.
Seperti menghormati negara yang meratifikasi kemudian atau yang mengaksesi, dan juga dalam kasus-kasus dimana Konvensi ini kemudian diberlakukan sesuai dengan Pasal 13, maka akan berlaku enam bulan setelah pemberitahuan yang disebutkan dalam ayat 2 Pasal 11 dan ayat 2 Pasal 12 telah diterima oleh Pemerintah Belgia.
Pasal 15
Dalam hal salah satu kontraktor Serikat yang ingin menggugat konvensi ini, pengaduan tersebut harus diberitahukan secara tertulis kepada Pemerintah Belgia, yang harus segera mengkomunikasikan salinan sepatutnya bersertifikat pemberitahuan ke semua negara lain, menginformasikan mereka tentang tanggal di mana ia diterima.
Penyangkalan itu hanya akan beroperasi sehubungan Negara yang membuat pemberitahuan, dan pada batas akhir satu tahun setelah pemberitahuan telah mencapai Pemerintah Belgia.
Pasal 16
Salah satu dari kontraktor Serikat berhak untuk menyerukan konferensi segar dengan maksud untuk mempertimbangkan amandemen mungkin.
Suatu Negara yang akan menggunakan hak ini harus memberitahukan niatnya ke negara lain melalui Pemerintah Belgia, yang akan membuat pengaturan untuk mengadakan Konferensi.
DIBUAT di Brussels, dalam satu salinan, 25 Agustus 1924.
My Shed Plan is a complete guide that explains how you can build a beautiful shed from scratch. Ryan Henderson the writer of the book has given detailed blueprints and step by step instructions that even a beginner can follow. Shed builders can choose from 12,000 shed plans and woodworking patterns.  Once you sign up you will receive the entire package instantly in the Membersâ Area via downloads. There are easy to follow instructions provided in the membersâ area just in case you have never downloaded anything from the internet before. After making the purchase you will get all the shed plans and woodworking blueprints within 5 minutes. This means that you get the product for a lower price as there are no shipping costs. However, if you prefer buying the CD then you can buy that and it will be sent to you via mail. Woodworking can be time consuming but making the right plans takes even longer. My Shed Plans Elite provide you a wide range of design to choose from and once you have the design you will be able to construct your shed nicely and it will take less amount of time to build it. It keeps all things simple. The aim of My Shed Plans is to make woodworking a fun activity for you. Once you follow Ryan Hendersonâs instructions making shed will be a less time consuming and more fun thing to do. Some of the plans include a Garden bench, How to Build a Fence, Dog Kennel, Making an Easy Arbor,â, Swing Pet, Nursery Wagon, Doghouse Plans, Outdoor Fireplaces, Feed Cart, Storage Shed for Pesticide and a lot more. Click Here To Download 12,000 woodworking projects And Planes
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MyShedPlans Review 1 My Shed set up may be a complete guide that explains however you'll be able to build a fine looking shed from scratch. Ryan Henderson the author of the book has given careful blueprints and step by step directions that even a beginner will follow. Shed builders will make a choice from twelve,000 shed plans and woodwork patterns.  Once you register you'll receive the complete package instantly within the Members' space via downloads. There ar simple to follow directions provided within the membersâ space simply just in case you have got ne'er downloaded something from the net before. when creating the acquisition you'll get all the shed plans and woodwork blueprints among five minutes. this suggests that you just get the merchandise for a lower cost as there aren't any shipping prices. However, if you favor shopping for the CD then you'll be able to obtain that and it'll be sent to you via mail. Woodworking are often time overwhelming however creating the correct plans takes even longer. My Shed Plans Elite give you a good vary of style to settle on from and once you have got the planning you'll be able to construct your shed nicely and it'll take less quantity of your time to make it. It keeps all things easy. The aim of My Shed Plans is to form woodwork a fun activity for you. Once you follow Ryan Hendersonâs directions creating shed are a less time overwhelming and additional fun issue to try and do. Some of the plans embrace a Garden bench, a way to Build a Fence, Dog Kennel, creating a straightforward Arbor,", Swing Pet, Nursery Wagon, Doghouse Plans, outside Fireplaces, Feed Cart, Storage Shed for chemical and lots additional. My Shed Plans Elite provides plans for garages and outbuildings too. you'll be able to learn to make massive Garage, Elevated wood Bin, tool Storage cupboard, Garden Windmill, etc. Itâs a book that permits you become associate degree knowledgeable woodsman and complete comes in so much less time than you accustomed. The book conjointly teaches you ways you'll be able to build shed that prices less. you'll be able to build an honest shed less expensive than the expensive ready-made sheds that you just see. If you have got the resources you'll be able to build an honest shed for nothing the least bit. My Shed Plans Elite can make a case for everything intimately and you donât ought to worry concerning running out of concepts any longer. My Shed Plans Elite package comes with a pair of bonuses. the primary one is concerning foundation, roofing and therefore the second is concerning woodwork secrets and contains tips and tricks which will prove terribly helpful. the entire worth of My Shed Plans Elite is 47$ and there's a a refund guarantee just in case you are feeling like returning the book. Whatâs additional, you retain the bonus books that you just get with it. Click Here To Download 12,000 woodworking projects And Planes
MyShedPlans Review 1 My Shed Plan is a complete guide that explains how you can build a beautiful shed from scratch. Ryan Henderson the writer of the book has given detailed blueprints and step by step instructions that even a beginner can follow. Shed builders can choose from 12,000 shed plans and woodworking patterns. Once you sign up you will receive the entire package instantly in the Members' Area via downloads. There are easy to follow instructions provided in the membersâ area just in case you have never downloaded anything from the internet before. After making the purchase you will get all the shed plans and woodworking blueprints within 5 minutes. This means that you get the product for a lower price as there are no shipping costs. However, if you prefer buying the CD then you can buy that and it will be sent to you via mail. Woodworking can be time consuming but making the right plans takes even longer. My Shed Plans Elite provide you a wide range of design to choose from and once you have the design you will be able to construct your shed nicely and it will take less amount of time to build it. It keeps all things simple. The aim of My Shed Plans is to make woodworking a fun activity for you. Once you follow Ryan Hendersonâs instructions making shed will be a less time consuming and more fun thing to do. Some of the plans include a Garden bench, How to Build a Fence, Dog Kennel, Making an Easy Arbor,", Swing Pet, Nursery Wagon, Doghouse Plans, Outdoor Fireplaces, Feed Cart, Storage Shed for Pesticide and a lot more. My Shed Plans Elite provides plans for garages and outbuildings too. You can learn to build Large Garage, Elevated Sawdust Bin, Lawn Tool Storage Cabinet, Garden Windmill, etc. Itâs a book that enables you become an expert woodworker and complete projects in far less time than you used to. The book also teaches you how you can build shed that costs less. You will be able to build a good shed much cheaper than the overpriced ready-made sheds that you see. If you have the resources you can build a decent shed for nothing at all. My Shed Plans Elite will explain everything in detail and you donât have to worry about running out of ideas anymore. My Shed Plans Elite package comes with 2 bonuses. The first one is about foundation, roofing and the second one is about woodworking secrets and contains tips and tricks that may prove very useful. The Total price of My Shed Plans Elite is 47$ and there is a money back guarantee in case you feel like returning the book. Whatâs more, you keep the bonus books that you get with it. Click Here To Download 12,000 woodworking projects And Planes
MyShedPlans.com Review 2 What does one once you have determined a garden bench would look excellent in your landscaping? What does one do if you choose to create a replacement shed for your backyard? If your answers are: Go to the garden center and get one, Hire a respectable contractor Buy a premade shed from lumbermills You may be right! other than, you will be wrong! If you'd prefer to save five hundredth or a lot of on your home comes, and feel the satisfaction of doing it yourself, this can be wherever MyShedPlans.com involves the rescue. MyShedPlans offers the foremost complete home project resource you'll get on the net. It is explosive with plans for over twelve,000 carpentry projects! you'll notice plans for birdhouses, garden furnishings, sheds, full size decks, and everything in between. If it will be created out of wood, it'll possibly be here. After all, 12,000 practically covers the gamut of no matter you may prefer to build! Toys square measure enclosed, too. All plans square measure complete from begin to complete, and embody material lists, elaborate diagrams, and specific step by step directions.  Many different styles for every variety of project are enclosed. for instance, there square measure many styles for out of doors buildings, from tiny sheds all the far to an entire stable. select no matter variety of shed or storage home is right for you. decide from fancy ones or a lot of utilitarian styles. What if you are doing not have woodworking skills? No worries. it brings you up to hurry with skilled tips and tricks utilized by the professionals. find out how to handle carpenter instrumentation, follow the proper safety rules, and the way to try to to your comes professionally so they'll look sensible and last. In addition to the carpentry comes, MyShedPlans brings you valuable info for all of your home comes. you'll discover skilled pointers for plumbing, trade, foundations, plastering, building codes, wallpapering, putting in fireplaces, decorating, tile, stone work, operating with cement and mortar, and then abundant more! With MyShedPlans, you'll finally be the repairer you mostly needed to be. you do not ought to feel helpless if the tap breaks. Install enhancements like new lighting with ease. Got a replacement puppy? build him feel welcome together with his own doghouse. You'll always have the ideas and plans you wish for your next project. MyShedPlans is delivered via instant downloads. The plans square measure printable, so you'll notice your project on the pc, print out the plans, and have them with you once you attend get materials then work on your project. It very is Associate in Nursing awful resource. And you'll have it all, in one swoop, with one, tiny payment. Save time and cash, and find the satisfaction and pride that comes with accomplishment at MyShedPlans. Click Here To Download 12,000 woodworking projects And Planes
My Top 55 Lean-Body Foods to Build Lean Muscle and Lose Body Fat In most of my Lean-Body Secrets Newsletters, i prefer to supply a healthy snack or meal direction that not solely is delicious and healthy, however conjointly helps to induce you nearer thereto hard-body look that everybody is craving for, whereas conjointly a lot of significantly, rising your health for keeps. during this article, i would wish to provide you with healthy food ideas in an exceedingly completely different means. This time, I patterned i'd simply provide you with some ideas of what I stock my electric refrigerator and cupboards with. Remember, if you do not have junk round the house, you are less doubtless to eat junk! If all you've got is healthy alimental foods round the house, you are forced to create sensible selections. Basically, it all starts with creating sensible selections and avoiding temptations after you create your food market trip. currently these square measure just a few of my personal preferences, however maybe they're going to provide you with some sensible ideas that you're going to relish.  Some of these are obvious healthy selections, like fruits and veggies... however, others on this page i feel can surprise you! Alright, therefore let's begin with the electric refrigerator. Each week, I try and certify i am loaded up with a lot of styles of contemporary vegetables. throughout the season, I solely get native turn out, however clearly in winter, I even have to resort to the turn out at the food market. Most of the time, I certify I even have many vegetables like onions, zucchini, spinach, contemporary mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli, etc. to use in my morning eggs. I conjointly wish to hack some lean chicken or turkey sausage (make guaranteed to explore for nitrate & radical free) or grass-fed bovid sausage into the eggs, at the side of some swiss, jack, or goat cheeses (preferably raw grass-fed cheeses once I will realize them). By the means i am talking concerning whole eggs, NOT egg whites. continually keep in mind that the vitellus is that the most alimental and nutrient dense a part of the egg, therefore solely uptake egg whites is like discard the simplest half... and no, it isn't dangerous for you due to the cholesterin... whole eggs really raise your sensible cholesterin. try and get free vary organic eggs for the simplest quality. Here's a complete article I did on the subject of whole eggs vs egg whites. Coconut milk is another staple in my electric refrigerator. i prefer to use it to combine in with smoothies, oatmeal, or food for a fashionable, creamy style. Not solely will coconut milk add a fashionable, creamy style to plenty of dishes, however it is also choked with healthy saturated fats. Yes, you detected Maine right... I aforementioned healthy saturated fats! ...Healthy saturated fats like medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), specifically Associate in Nursing MCT referred to as saturated fatty acid, that is vitally vital for your system. If the concept of healthy saturated fats is foreign to you, look at my article concerning why saturated fat isn't as dangerous as you're thinking that. See What 7 odd foods that kill your stomach fat ( Clic Here For More Information ) Back to the electric refrigerator, another staples: Walnuts, pecans, almonds - delicious and nice sources of healthy fats. try and get raw crackers if doable because the cooking method will oxidize a number of the unsaturated fats in some kinds of crackers creating those broken fats slightly a lot of inflammatory. Overall, crackers square measure still healthy although they're roast, however raw crackers square measure optimum. pot cheese, cheese cheese, and food (grass-fed and organic if possible) - i prefer to combine bungalow or cheese cheese and food along with shredded crackers and berries for a good mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal. Chia seeds and/or hemp seeds - I add these extremely alimental seeds to food, smoothies, or salads for a good nutty style and various omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. do not use pre-ground versions of those seeds because the omega-3 fatty acid unsaturated fats square measure extremely unstable and liable to oxidisation, making high levels of free radicals if you employ pre-ground seeds. No grinding is critical to properly digest these seeds. Whole eggs - one amongst natures richest sources of nutrients (and keep in mind, they increase your sensible cholesterin therefore stop fearing them). condiment - I try and get inventive and take a look at a number of the exotic styles of salsas. Avocados - love them...plus a good supply of healthy fats, fiber, and alternative nutrients. attempt adding them to wraps, salads, or sandwiches. Butter - don't think the naysayers; butter adds nice flavor to something and might be a part of a healthy diet... simply keep the number little as a result of it's calorie dense... and ne'er use oleo, unless you would like to assure yourself a heart failure. most significant -- opt for organic butter solely, since pesticides and alternative harmful chemicals accumulate within the fat of the milk that is employed for butter, therefore selecting organic helps avoid this drawback. Also, opt for grass-fed (pastured) butter if you'll realize it because it can contain higher levels of healthful omega-3 fatty acid fats and also the fat-burning conjugated linolic acid (CLA). Nut butters - Plain previous paste has gotten somewhat previous on behalf of me, therefore i purchase inventive and blend along almond butter with pecan butter, or maybe cashew butter with macadamia tree butter...delicious and unbeatable nutrition! employing a form of nut butters provides you a broader vary of vitamins and minerals and alternative micronutrients, and provides you selection rather than boring previous paste all the time. Leaf lettuce and spinach at the side of chopped carrots - for salads with dinner. Home-made sauce - exploitation oleoresin vinegar, spices, additional virgin vegetable oil, and Udo's alternative oil mix. this is often far better than store bought sauce that principally use extremely refined canola or vegetable oil (canola and vegetable oil square measure each terribly inflammatory within the body). Here's a writing showing why to ne'er use factory-made dish dressings. up grain bread for infrequent use -- My personal belief from years of nutrition analysis is that we tend to're not extremely meant to consume the huge quantities of grains (not even whole grains) that we kill this present day and age... atiny low quantity could also be okay, however our organic process systems square measure still primarily custom-made to a hunter/gatherer form of diet with solely a really bit of grains, thus I try and solely have breads and alternative grain-based foods on cheat days. Rice bran - If we're progressing to have some grain-based food, we'd additionally have the foremost nutrient dense half, and rice bran is one amongst those elements, since it includes the germ of rice too. Rice bran is loaded with vitamins and minerals however while not the massive quantity of starch calories that rice has... and it really adds a pleasant very little nutty, fresh style to food or smoothies, or are often additional once baking to feature nutrients and fiber to the direction. Some of the staples within the freezer: Frozen berries - throughout the native season, I solely get contemporary berries, however throughout the opposite ten months of the year, I continually keep a offer of frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. to feature to high fiber cereal, oatmeal, pot cheese, yogurt, or smoothies. I conjointly get frozen goji berries typically for somewhat "exotic" selection. Frozen fish - i prefer to do one or two completely different sorts of fish weekly. There square measure such a lot of varieties out there, you ne'er ought to get bored. simply certify to continually opt for wild fish rather than farmed versions, because the omega-3 fatty acid to omega-6 fatty acid balance is far healthier in wild fish. Also, as this text shows, there square measure some doable alternative health problems with farmed fish. Frozen chicken breasts - terribly convenient for fast|a fast} addition to wraps or chicken sandwiches for quick meals. Grass-fed steaks, burgers, and ground beef: Grass-fed meats are shown to own as high as, or maybe higher levels of omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids than salmon (without the mercury). Also, grass-fed meats have a lot of higher levels of fat-burning and muscle-building conjugated linolic acid (CLA) compared to typical grain-fed beef that you're going to realize at your food market. I recently found a superb on-line store wherever I obtain all of my grass-fed meats currently (they even deliver right to your door in an exceedingly sealed cooler) - WWW.healthygrassfed.2ya.com Frozen buffalo, ostrich, venison, and alternative "exotic" lean meats - yea, I know...I'm weird, however I will tell you that these square measure a number of the healthiest meats around, and if you are serious a few lean healthy body, these kinds of meats square measure far better for you than the mass made, hormone-pumped beef, chicken, and pork that is oversubscribed at the most grocery stores. Frozen veggies - once more, once the season is over and that i will now not get native contemporary turn out, frozen veggies square measure the simplest possibility, since they typically have higher nutrient contents compared to the contemporary turn out that has been shipped thousands of miles, sitting around for weeks before creating it to your dining table. Alright, currently the staples in my cabinets: numerous antioxidant-rich teas - inexperienced, oolong, white, shrub (red tea) square measure a number of the healthiest. one amongst my newest favorite teas is yerba mate, that could be a south yank tea that's loaded with antioxidants and alternative nutrients. I've found some delicious yerba mate mixes like chocolate yerba mate, mint mate, raspberry mate, etc. Oat bran and steel cut oats - higher fiber than those very little packs of instant oats, that square measure generally loaded with sugar. If i am making an attempt to scale back body fat and obtain additional lean, I create most of my breakfasts supported eggs and veggies and bovid sausage, however if i am on a muscle building part, I increase sugar intake and use a lot of oat bran and oatmeal. the sole healthy oils I even have in my cupboards square measure virgin vegetable oil and further virgin vegetable oil. macadamia tree oil might also be an inexpensive alternative as long as it isn't "refined". however apart from that, all "vegetable oils" (which is sometimes soy and corn oil) square measure total junk and extremely inflammatory. ne'er use soy or corn oils! conjointly, continually avoid vegetable oil, as there's nothing healthy concerning vegetable oil, despite the deceptive promoting claims by the vegetable oil business. Cans of coconut milk (loaded with healthy saturated MCT fats) - to be transferred to a instrumentation within the electric refrigerator when gap. rice and alternative higher fiber rice - ne'er rice Tomato sauces - delicious, and as i am certain you've got detected 1,000,000 times, they're a good supply of carotenoid. simply be careful for the brands that square measure loaded with nasty high ketohexose syrup. you furthermore mght need to create certain that the pasta sauce is created with vegetable oil rather than unhealthy vegetable oil or canola oils. conjointly get tomato sauces in glass jars rather than cans, as canned tomatoes square measure notoriously high within the dangerous chemical, bisphenol-A (BPA) owing to the acidic leach of BPA from the will lining. Stevia - a natural non-caloric sweetener, that is a superb various to the nasty chemical-laden artificial sweeteners like sweetener, saccharine, and sucralose. Raw honey - higher than processed honey... higher quantities of helpful nutrients and enzymes. Honey has even been tested in studies to boost aldohexose metabolism (your potency in process carbohydrates). i take advantage of atiny low teaspoon each morning in my teas. Yes, i do know that even honey is pure sugar, however a minimum of it's some biological process edges... and let's be real, a teaspoon of healthier raw honey is just five grams of carbs... definitely nothing to stress concerning, and a much better alternative than sweetening. Organic REAL syrup - none of that top ketohexose syrup kinswoman Jemima crap...only real syrup are often thought-about real food. the sole time i actually use this (because of the high sugar load) is additional to my post-workout smoothies to sweeten things up Associate in Nursingd conjointly elicit an endocrine surge to push nutrients into your muscles to assist muscle recovery. Organic nonsweet chocolate - i prefer to combine this into my smoothies for an additional jolt of antioxidants or create my very own low-sugar hot cocoa by intermixture chocolate into hot milk with stevia and one or two unfrozen chocolate chunks (delicious!). Cans of black or urinary organ beans - i prefer to feature one or two scoops to my Mexican dishes for the fiber and high nutrition content. Also, beans square measure amazingly one amongst the simplest sources of youth enhancing antioxidants! Did you recognize that black beans and urinary organ beans have a lot of antioxidants than blueberries...it's true! chocolate (as dark as doable - ideally quite 70-75% cocoa content) - this is often one amongst my treats that satisfies my appetence, and provides various antioxidants at an equivalent time. It's still calorie dense, therefore I keep it to simply 1-2 little squares when a meal... however that's enough to try to to the trick, therefore i do not want i would like to travel out and obtain cake and course} to satisfy my dessert urges. Lastly, another issue that is exhausting to travel wrong with could be a sensible form of contemporary fruits and berries. The staples like bananas, apples, oranges, pears, peaches square measure sensible, however i prefer to even be somewhat a lot of daring and embody things like yellow (aka - mexican or champagne) mangoes, pomegranates, kumquats, papaya, star fruit, pineapples, and others. Also, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, black raspberries (the highest fiber berry) and cherries square measure a number of the foremost nutrient and antioxidant-dense fruits you'll eat. Well, I hope you enjoyed this special inspect my favorite lean body meals and the way I stock my cupboards and electric refrigerator. Your tastes square measure in all probability quite completely different than mine, however hopefully this gave you some sensible ideas you'll use next time you are at the food market wanting to refill a healthy and delicious pile of groceries. Tips for lose stomach fat ( Clic Here For More Information )
My Top 55 Lean-Body Foods to Build Lean Muscle and Lose Body Fat In most of my Lean-Body Secrets Newsletters, I like to provide a healthy snack or meal recipe that not only is delicious and healthy, but also helps to get you closer to that hard-body appearance that everyone is looking for, while also more importantly, improving your health for life. In this article, I'd like to give you healthy food ideas in a different way. This time, I figured I'd just give you some ideas of what I stock my fridge and cabinets with. Remember, if you don't have junk around the house, you're less likely to eat junk! If all you have is healthy nutritious foods around the house, you're forced to make smart choices. Basically, it all starts with making smart choices and avoiding temptations when you make your grocery store trip. Now these are just some of my personal preferences, but perhaps they will give you some good ideas that you'll enjoy.  Some of these will be obvious healthy choices, such as fruits and veggies... however, others on this page I think will surprise you! Alright, so let's start with the fridge. Each week, I try to make sure I'm loaded up with lots of varieties of fresh vegetables. During the growing season, I only get local produce, but obviously in winter, I have to resort to the produce at the grocery store. Most of the time, I make sure I have plenty of vegetables like onions, zucchini, spinach, fresh mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli, etc. to use in my morning eggs. I also like to chop up some lean chicken or turkey sausage (make sure to look for nitrate & nitrite free) or grass-fed bison sausage into the eggs, along with some swiss, jack, or goat cheeses (preferably raw grass-fed cheeses when I can find them). By the way I'm talking about whole eggs, NOT egg whites. Always remember that the yolk is the most nutritious and nutrient dense part of the egg, so only eating egg whites is like throwing away the best part... and no, it's NOT bad for you because of the cholesterol... whole eggs actually raise your GOOD cholesterol. Try to get free range organic eggs for the best quality. Here's an entire article I did on the topic of whole eggs vs egg whites. Coconut milk is another staple in my fridge. I like to use it to mix in with smoothies, oatmeal, or yogurt for a rich, creamy taste. Not only does coconut milk add a rich, creamy taste to lots of dishes, but it's also full of healthy saturated fats. Yes, you heard me right... I said healthy saturated fats! ...Healthy saturated fats such as medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), specifically an MCT called lauric acid, which is vitally important for your immune system. If the idea of healthy saturated fats is foreign to you, check out my article about why saturated fat is not as bad as you think. Back to the fridge, some other staples: Walnuts, pecans, almonds - delicious and great sources of healthy fats. Try to get raw nuts if possible as the roasting process can oxidize some of the polyunsaturated fats in some types of nuts making those damaged fats slightly more inflammatory. Overall, nuts are still healthy even if they are roasted, but raw nuts are optimal. Cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, and yogurt (grass-fed and organic if possible) - I like to mix cottage or ricotta cheese and yogurt together with chopped nuts and berries for a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon meal. Chia seeds and/or hemp seeds - I add these highly nutritious seeds to yogurt, smoothies, or salads for a great nutty taste and loads of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. Don't use pre-ground versions of these seeds as the omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and prone to oxidation, creating high levels of free radicals if you use pre-ground seeds. No grinding is necessary to properly digest these seeds. Whole eggs - one of natures richest sources of nutrients (and remember, they increase your GOOD cholesterol so stop fearing them). Salsa - I try to get creative and try some of the exotic varieties of salsas. Avocados - love them...plus a great source of healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients. Try adding them to wraps, salads, or sandwiches. Butter - don't believe the naysayers; butter adds great flavor to anything and CAN be part of a healthy diet... just keep the quantity small because it is calorie dense... and NEVER use margarine, unless you want to assure yourself a heart attack. Most important -- choose organic butter only, since pesticides and other harmful chemicals accumulate in the fat of the milk which is used for butter, so choosing organic helps avoid this problem. Also, choose grass-fed (pastured) butter if you can find it as it will contain higher levels of healthful omega-3 fats and the fat-burning conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Nut butters - Plain old peanut butter has gotten a little old for me, so I get creative and mix together almond butter with pecan butter, or even cashew butter with macadamia butter...delicious and unbeatable nutrition! Using a variety of nut butters gives you a broader range of vitamins and minerals and other micronutrients, and gives you variety instead of boring old peanut butter all the time. Leaf lettuce and spinach along with shredded carrots - for salads with dinner. Home-made salad dressing - using balsamic vinegar, spices, extra virgin olive oil, and Udo's Choice oil blend. This is much better than store bought salad dressing which mostly use highly refined canola or soybean oil (canola and soybean oil are both very inflammatory in the body). Here's an article showing why to NEVER use store-bought salad dressings. Sprouted grain bread for occasional use -- My personal belief from years of nutrition research is that we're not really meant to consume the massive quantities of grains (not even whole grains) that we do in this day and age... a small amount may be okay, but our digestive systems are still primarily adapted to a hunter/gatherer type of diet with only a very small amount of grains, therefore I try to only have breads and other grain-based foods on cheat days. Rice bran - If we're going to have some grain-based food, we might as well have the most nutrient dense part, and rice bran is one of those parts, since it includes the germ of brown rice too. Rice bran is loaded with vitamins and minerals but without the large amount of starch calories that rice has... and it actually adds a nice little nutty, crunchy taste to yogurt or smoothies, or can be added when baking to add nutrients and fiber to the recipe. How to lose belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information ) Some of the staples in the freezer: Frozen berries - during the local growing season, I only get fresh berries, but during the other 10 months of the year, I always keep a supply of frozen blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. to add to high fiber cereal, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt, or smoothies. I also get frozen goji berries sometimes for a little "exotic" variety. Frozen fish - I like to try a couple different kinds of fish each week. There are so many varieties out there, you never have to get bored. Just make sure to ALWAYS choose wild fish instead of farmed versions, as the omega-3 to omega-6 balance is MUCH healthier in wild fish. Also, as this article shows, there are some possible other health issues with farmed fish. Frozen chicken breasts - very convenient for a quick addition to wraps or chicken sandwiches for quick meals. Grass-fed steaks, burgers, and ground beef: Grass-fed meats have been shown to have as high as, or even higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than salmon (without the mercury). Also, grass-fed meats have much higher levels of fat-burning and muscle-building conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) compared to typical grain-fed beef that you'll find at your grocery store. I recently found an excellent on-line store where I buy all of my grass-fed meats now (they even deliver right to your door in a sealed cooler) - www.healthygrassfed.2ya.com Frozen buffalo, ostrich, venison, and other "exotic" lean meats - Yeah, I know...I'm weird, but I can tell you that these are some of the healthiest meats around, and if you're serious about a lean healthy body, these types of meats are much better for you than the mass produced, hormone-pumped beef, chicken, and pork that's sold at most grocery stores. Frozen veggies - again, when the growing season is over and I can no longer get local fresh produce, frozen veggies are the best option, since they often have higher nutrient contents compared to the fresh produce that has been shipped thousands of miles, sitting around for weeks before making it to your dinner table. Alright, now the staples in my cabinets: Various antioxidant-rich teas - green, oolong, white, rooibos (red tea) are some of the healthiest. One of my newest favorite teas is yerba mate, which is a south american tea that is loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients. I've found some delicious yerba mate mixes such as chocolate yerba mate, mint mate, raspberry mate, etc. Oat bran and steel cut oats - higher fiber than those little packs of instant oats, which are typically loaded with sugar. If I'm trying to reduce body fat and get extra lean, I make most of my breakfasts based on eggs and veggies and bison sausage, but if I'm on a muscle building phase, I increase carbohydrate intake and use more oat bran and oatmeal. The only healthy oils I have in my cabinets are virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Macadamia oil may also be a reasonable choice as long as it's not "refined". But other than that, all "vegetable oils" (which is usually soy and corn oil) are total junk and very inflammatory. Never use soy or corn oils! Also, always avoid canola oil, as there is nothing healthy about canola oil, despite the deceptive marketing claims by the canola oil industry. Cans of coconut milk (loaded with healthy saturated MCT fats) - to be transferred to a container in the fridge after opening. Brown rice and other higher fiber rice - NEVER white rice Tomato sauces - delicious, and as I'm sure you've heard a million times, they are a great source of lycopene. Just watch out for the brands that are loaded with nasty high fructose corn syrup. You also want to make sure that the tomato sauce is made with olive oil instead of unhealthy soybean oil or canola oils. Also get tomato sauces in glass jars instead of cans, as canned tomatoes are notoriously high in the dangerous chemical, bisphenol-A (BPA) due to the acidic leaching of BPA from the can lining. Stevia - a natural non-caloric sweetener, which is an excellent alternative to the nasty chemical-laden artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharine, and sucralose. Raw honey - better than processed honey... higher quantities of beneficial nutrients and enzymes. Honey has even been proven in studies to improve glucose metabolism (your efficiency in processing carbohydrates). I use a small teaspoon every morning in my teas. Yes, I know that even honey is pure sugar, but at least it has some nutritional benefits... and let's be real, a teaspoon of healthier raw honey is only 5 grams of carbs... certainly nothing to worry about, and a better choice than refined sugar. Organic REAL maple syrup - none of that high fructose corn syrup Aunt Jemima crap...only real maple syrup can be considered real food. The only time I really use this (because of the high sugar load) is added to my post-workout smoothies to sweeten things up and also elicit an insulin surge to push nutrients into your muscles to aid muscle recovery. Organic unsweetened cocoa powder - I like to mix this into my smoothies for an extra jolt of antioxidants or make my own low-sugar hot cocoa by mixing cocoa powder into hot milk with stevia and a couple melted dark chocolate chunks (delicious!). Cans of black or kidney beans - I like to add a couple scoops to my Mexican dishes for the fiber and high nutrition content. Also, beans are surprisingly one of the best sources of youth enhancing antioxidants! Did you know that black beans and kidney beans have more antioxidants than blueberries...it's true! Dark chocolate (as dark as possible - ideally more than 70-75% cocoa content) - This is one of my treats that satisfies my sweet tooth, plus provides loads of antioxidants at the same time. It's still calorie dense, so I keep it to just 1-2 small squares after a meal... but that is enough to do the trick, so I don't feel like I need to go out and get cake and ice cream to satisfy my dessert urges. Lastly, another thing that's hard to go wrong with is a good variety of fresh fruits and berries. The staples such as bananas, apples, oranges, pears, peaches are good, but I like to also be a little more adventurous and include things like yellow (aka - mexican or champagne) mangoes, pomegranates, kumquats, papaya, star fruit, pineapples, and others. Also, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, black raspberries (the highest fiber berry) and cherries are some of the most nutrient and antioxidant-dense fruits you can eat. Well, I hope you enjoyed this special look into my favorite lean body meals and how I stock my cabinets and fridge. Your tastes are probably quite different than mine, but hopefully this gave you some good ideas you can use next time you're at the grocery store looking to stock up a healthy and delicious pile of groceries. Which 5 foods that kill belly fat ( Clic Here For More Information )
Most Popular craft Crafts and comes to try to to Is it finally time for the yearly vacation? it is often terribly onerous to attend for the holiday to require place however currently it's finally here and you have hopefully got lots of time for fun things. a awfully smart factor with having a vacation is that you simply can have a while for woodwork plans that you simply haven't got time for once you are operating.  Have you got any woodwork plans that you simply would love to appear nearer into currently once you are free from work? {you can|you'll|you may} have time to complete a minimum of one in every of them throughout some time off and that i will virtually guarantee that you simply will feel terribly glad once you've got finished one in every of your dream comes. this can be one thing you are doing for yourself, not for Associate in Nursing leader which sometimes feels excellent. Have you continually needed to make a cradle for your freshly born child? Well, now could be the correct time to try to to it if you would like it to ever happen. {this is|this is often|this will be} a good woodwork arrange and it can stay a long memory for you likewise as your kid. confirm to pay the maximum amount time PRN on this project, do not rush things since the result are far more satisfying if you are careful and do everything properly. Would you prefer to make a pleasant trying armchair for your recent grandma? that is a good thought and you ought to undoubtedly plow ahead and get laid immediately if this can be one thing you've got continually needed to try to to. It will take a while however you've got most likely got many weeks vacation to pay on the project. simply imagine however happy grandparent are after you show her the new armchair you've got engineered for her. Would you prefer to make a brand new shed within the garden wherever {you will|you'll|you'll be able to} place all of your playing equipment? There area unit lots of nice woodwork plans on-line that you simply can get galvanized by just in case you'd wish to construct a shed. this can be a good factor to make since you may have space for different things than your playing instrumentation likewise. Would you prefer to construct a brand new table for the kitchen? I bet your married person would be terribly happy if you gave her a brand new table once your vacation is over. that is a woodwork arrange price considering. a brand new rocker is another factor might|that would|that might} be nice to own within the front room wherever you or a friend of yours could sit and browse. Another nice different once you are making an attempt to decide on one woodwork commit to begin with would be to make an outsized new dog yard. Click Here To Download 16,000 woodworking projects And Planes
Misnomers About Background Checks Curious about background checks, however fixed in what you think that they're and require? Donât fret. the general public UN agency haven't run a background check on people have bound presumptions concerning what they're, what they value, and what's necessary to finish one with efficiency. The common accord is that background checks ar used solely by government agencies-such a enforcement and criminal justice courts-, that they're time intense, and preposterously dear. If youâve ne'er done one-you in all probability assume this too; however hereâs the important story on background checks. Now, you've got no excuse to not do one.  Access It accustomed be that so as to seek out out any background info on a person-such as criminal history and therefore the like-you had to be a member of a criminal justice agency or enforcement bureau. Today, all you wish could be a full name, and a need to grasp the background of the individuals in your life. several firms supply the flexibility to easily put down a full name of the person you're seeking info on, and comprehensive results seem from the foremost reliable of sources. Expense Since access wasn't invariably straightforward, and therefore the service not therefore wide accessible and used; it had been once a only if conducting this sort of background check would need lots of labor on the a part of the service; and so, lots of cash. Today, there ar thousands of services that permit you to conduct a research for this info-and since the criminal history information is free-with a couple of situational restrictions-all you procure is that the service. It ought to be noted, however, that owing to this-anyone owning an internet site will say they provide a comprehensive search, after they donât; therefore take into account yourself forewarned. Time Another common name concerning background checks by those that haven't tried one is that background checks-because they reference a range of national and wide resources-take lots of time-meaning some of days. this can be not true! There ar firms that may find the data you're seeking, and provide you with full details on a personâs background during a matter of seconds, and every one they have could be a full name of the person you're seeking answers on. Energy It additionally accustomed be that the sole thanks to notice a comprehensive background pool of knowledge on someone was to physically visit the territorial courts and enforcement agencies to find the particular documents in question-if there have been any. Today, most all of this info is offered online-as government bureaus and departments get to form background info additional accessible. So, therefore, someone seeking this info; will find comprehensive information on someone if they use the right on-line service. Which, last, brings USA to our service at backgroundcheck360. Our service could be a method for anyone wanting to seek out comprehensive background info on a personal to seek out it, during a manner of seconds, and with low expense and no trouble. By comprehensive, we tend to mean you get all the answers you would like, concerning criminal histories, property, court, and private info in 3 straightforward steps: search, input a reputation, and think about the report. What ar you waiting for? you've got no reasons to prevent yourself from valuable info that would alter and/or save your life. Free People Search Background Check ( Click Here )
Misnomers About Background Checks Curious about background checks, but caught up in what you think they are and require? Donât fret. Most people who have never run a background check on individuals have certain presumptions about what they are, what they cost, and what is necessary to complete one efficiently. The common consensus is that background checks are used only by government agencies-such a law enforcement and criminal justice courts-, that they are time consuming, and ridiculously expensive. If youâve never done one-you probably think this too; but hereâs the real story on background checks. Now, you have no excuse not to do one.  Access It used to be that in order to find out any background information on a person-such as criminal history and the like-you had to be a member of a criminal justice agency or law enforcement bureau. Today, all you need is a full name, and a desire to know the background of the people in your life. Many companies offer the ability to simply punch in a full name of the person you are seeking information on, and comprehensive results appear from the most reliable of sources. Expense Since access was not always easy, and the service not so widely accessible and used; it was once a given that conducting this kind of background check would require a lot of work on the part of the service; and therefore, a lot of money. Today, there are thousands of services that allow you to conduct a search for this information-and since the criminal history information is free-with a few situational restrictions-all you pay for is the service. It should be noted, however, that because of this-anyone owning a website can say they offer a comprehensive search, when they donât; so consider yourself forewarned. Time Another common misnomer about background checks by people who have never tried one is that background checks-because they reference a variety of national and statewide resources-take a lot of time-meaning a handful of days. This is not true! There are companies that can locate the information you are seeking, and offer you full details on a personâs background in a matter of seconds, and all they need is a full name of the person you are seeking answers on. Energy It also used to be that the only way to find a comprehensive background pool of information on a person was to physically visit the jurisdictional courts and law enforcement agencies to locate the actual documents in question-if there were any. Today, most all of this information is available online-as government bureaus and departments seek to make background information more accessible. So, therefore, a person seeking this information; can locate comprehensive information on a person if they use the correct online service. Which, in conclusion, brings us to our service at backgroundcheck360 Our service is a way for anyone looking to find comprehensive background information on an individual to find it, in a manner of seconds, and with low expense and no hassle. By comprehensive, we mean you get all the answers you want, regarding criminal histories, property, court, and personal information in three easy steps: search, input a name, and view the report. What are you waiting for? You have no reasons to stop yourself from invaluable information that could alter and/or save your life. Free Personal Background Checks ( Click Here )
Learn to Manage Stress for Better Vision The biggest reason for eye issues is stress; whether or not internal or external. The eyes area unit filled with little muscles that facilitate move them around and lengthen or shorted the lenses. A life filled with stress and strain on the eyes will cause some serious issues later in life. the most effective thanks to stop future eye ailments is to be told to manage stress these days. The idea of managing stress is way simple to mention then to try and do. whereas some individuals area unit professionals at stress management; people will solely take a bit bit before they begin screaming and family planning their hair. Stress happens every and each day therefore learning the way to best modify the strain is a very important and necessary step. The first step in managing stress is discovering what it's that's stressing you out. If you've got no plan what's inflicting stress, it's extremely exhausting to search out solutions to the issues. for pretty much each drawback there's an answer. If you're continually late, begin setting the clocks ahead 10-15 minutes. If your to try and do list is overwhelming, cut out the items that don't seem to be high priority and modify them at a later date. If traffic gets you going, take a brand new route to figure that's less crowded . Work is nearly continually the quantity one agent in peopleâs lives. the majority feel weak with the number of labor they continually have, however ne'er raise facilitate and continually strive against additional. Learn to mention no. spoken communication no isnât planning to get your fired; it tells your boss you're responsive to your limits and you've got simply reached them. it's higher to complete 5 wonderful comes, then seven or eight mediocre ones. If the work load is just too a lot of, ask your boss or co-workers and allow them to grasp you wish facilitate. Simple relaxation techniques will facilitate scale back the strain in your live. Take deep breaths. shut your eyes for a couple of moments and permit them to relax. surf ANd removed from the pc a 3 or fourfold an hour. an excessive amount of strain or stress on the eyes can solely cause vision issues later. Improving Eyesight Naturally ( Click Here For More Information )
LABEL LIE: Why your beef may NOT be grass-fed at all Creator and Author of the reality concerning Fat Burning Foods You probably already apprehend that grass-fed beef has nothing to try and do with its feedlot-raised, grain-fed cousin-german thatâs oversubscribed in supermarkets on the biological process facet. In fact, grass-fed beef contains a pair of to four times a lot of omega-3(essential fatty acids), four times a lot of A and E, a lotmore conjugated linoleic acid/CLA (a natural fat burner), andless fat and calories per pound than regular grain-fed beefyou patronize the grocery store. Grass-fed animals ar significantly healthier than grain-fed ones, which implies that farmers donât got to use a part of the fifteen million pounds of antibiotics used on grain-fed oxen simply to stop them from obtaining sick.  Obviously, shopping for quality meat becomes a good plan to enhance your own health and support native farms that care concerning animals. So what label claim does one explore for at your native Whole Foods to seek out grass-fed beef? Turns out itâs extremely not that clear. In the last number of years, the labeling rules have modified quite heap within the beef trade. however after all, only a few customers apprehend that. Nowadays, makers ar ready to sell grass-fed beef that has been âgrain-finishedâ as 100 percent grass-fed beef. The problem is: some farmers can feed their oxen grass for many of their lifetime, however âfinishâthem with grains within the last months before causing them to the shambles. Because the last ninety to a hundred and sixty days of diet confirm what quantity nutrition your huge,juicy cut can contain, this method removes any advantages the initial grass diet mighthave had. The bottom line: your beef has to be each grass-fed and grass-finished to contain all the nutrition itâs alleged to. But as a result of those claims ar still not regulated by the Agriculture, your best insurance is to develop a relationship with a farmer that raises beef the proper manner. This will offer you confidence that youâre shopping for the proper kind. In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about âhealthyâ foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here: Learn the Truth About Fat Burning Foods ( Click Here )